About Us
1MM, a company established by a Polish entrepreneur, has been supporting Polish expatriates working in the UK for more than two decades.
In 2014, we gained authorization as an Authorized Electronic Money Institution by fulfilling stringent requirements set forth by the Financial Conduct Authority.
With swift and efficient operations, we offer a comprehensive array of services in the financial transfer sector.
As a rapidly expanding entity, we remain agile, continuously adapting to evolving market dynamics and promptly addressing our customers' changing needs.
With a team of 40 employees and a network of facilities and agents across the UK, 1MM facilitates hundreds of thousands of transactions, serving over 400,000 satisfied clients.
One Money Mail Ltd, the owner of the Sami Swoi PrzekazyPieniezne.com brand, is established in London. In the same year, the first Sami Swoi branch opened in Acton. The company creates a hotline through which money transfers can still be made today. An agreement is signed with BPS bank, which becomes the main partner on the Polish market.
The company already has 10 agency branches and a database of 2,700 customers. New products are introduced to the offer: bill payment in standard and express mode. The company receives a prestigious award from the British-Polish Chamber of Commerce for "The Company of the Year" for entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness and constant development. It opens
facility in the Tottenham district - Sami Swoi Seven Sisters. A new product appears in the portfolio - money transfer to the Post Office. BGŻ joins partner banks in Poland.
After opening new branches in Luton and Streatham at the end of 2009, the network already has 81 agency branches and enjoys the trust of 25,000 customers. The offer includes new products: transfers to USD, CHF, EUR currency accounts. This is also the time - after HSBC bank authorization - to introduce card payments. A modern platform for business clients appears (Sami Swoi Premium).
Online money transfers are launched - www.PrzekazyPieniężne.com. In the same year, the company doubles the number of customers to 50,000 and cooperates with 112 agency branches. One Money Mail Ltd becomes the owner of the Goniec Polski magazine and the Goniec.com portal.
Winning the title of Authorized Payment Institution awarded by the then regulator FSA, now the Financial Conduct Authority, and the award for the "Best Money Transfer Company for Eastern Europe 2011" awarded by the International Association Money Transfer Networks. A new facility is being established - Sami Swoi Hammersmith. The company is introducing a transfer "in 10 minutes to any PLN account in Poland", as well as a transfer for collection at an ATM. A website adapted to mobile devices is implemented: m.przkazypieniezne.com. Tokenization and transaction tracking option are introduced.
The Sami Swoi PrzekazyPieniezne.com application is available in the App Store and Google Play. The company is introducing the first secure application on the Facebook social networking site, used to make money transfers to Poland - apps.facebook.com/przekazypieniezne. Money transfers with Sami Swoi can be made in over 200 agency branches, 6 authorized branches (Acton, The Mall, Streatham, Seven Sisters, Luton, Hammersmith), online, on Facebook and via a smartphone application. Electronic customer verification is implemented based on data entered into the system. Their number increases to 130,000.
It is now possible to carry out EUR-PLN transfers and standing orders. An improved version of the Sami Swoi mobile application has been released - version 2.0, and a native mobile application is launched. The Sami Swoi company is actively involved in the most prestigious events on the UK. We are becoming the largest Polish financial institution in Great Britain. The number of satisfied customers is 250,000.
Sami Swoi Przekazy Pieniężne enjoys the trust of over 300,000 customers. Currently, our company is one of the most recognizable companies transferring funds to Poland on the British market. We sponsor and support the largest Polish events in Great Britain. Our portfolio includes specialized, various types of financial products.
In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 and 2021 was extremely difficult for many Poles living in the UK. In these difficult times, when the distance became greater and the need to support families and loved ones increased, we decided to take action to facilitate the transfer of funds to Poles in the UK. In 2020, we introduced free money transfers as a standard option. We wanted our customers to be able to send funds to their loved ones easily and without additional costs, regardless of their financial situation or difficulties brought by the pandemic. This initiative aimed to provide support and relief to our community during difficult times when every penny mattered. Additionally, during the 2020/2021 holiday season, we introduced an innovative platform that has become a valuable source of entertainment and information for our community - Sami Swoi Radio. It is a radio broadcasting in the DAB+ digital system in the UK and Ireland and online. The station offers a diverse mix of music playing the "Best Mix of Hits from the 90's to Contemporary". In addition to music, the radio focuses on providing up-to-date information about Poland and Great Britain. As the main sponsor, PrzekazyPieniezne.com supports Sami Swoi Radio, enabling Poles to access an additional source of entertainment and information that strengthens bonds in our community. Sami Swoi Radio is the next step in our activities aimed at creating valuable experiences for our customers and building stronger bonds with our community in accordance with the principle that "Aborder We Are One Team".
We continued our commitment to supporting people in need and showed solidarity with our Ukrainian neighbors who find themselves in difficult situations. In response to the ongoing crisis, we organized a fundraiser to help Ukraine
In January, we started working on the pilot product "E-wallet", a membership fee system for schools and clubs. In 2023, our company achieved another important milestone by serving over 400,000 satisfied customers. This gives us great pride and motivation to further improve our services.
We are soon planning to premiere a new version of our website, which will be more intuitive, responsive and tailored to the needs of our customers. We want to make using our platform even easier and more enjoyable for our community.
Moreover, we constantly invest in innovation. In the near future, we plan to introduce a new, innovative product to the market that will meet the needs of our customers traveling to Poland and will make it significantly easier for them to withdraw their funds during their stay in Poland without having to. taking cash with you and visiting currency exchange offices. We are excited about the possibilities of this new offering and can't wait to share it with our community.
We offer our customers a range of choices, providing face-to-face access through our branch and agent network, online channels via web and mobile platforms, as well as assistance through our phone lines.

We believe that it is worth helping and promoting the activities of Polish organizations in Great Britain.
That's why every year we support Polish initiatives in the UK.
We are always guided by the good of the communities in the places where we operate and we try to support them as much as we can. We are proud to sponsor non-profit organizations and the most important events organized by Poles and for Poles in Great Britain. safer.
Below are some of our activities in the field of corporate social responsibility:
Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy 2018 – główny sponsor 6 sztabów WOŚP w Wielkiej Brytanii
Śpiewnik Pieśni Patriotycznej – sponsor śpiewnika
Ogólnopolskie turnieje Domów Dziecka w piłce halowej – fundator nagród oraz kursów języka angielskiego dla dzieci www.eva.org.pl
PBLink Polish Business Link – partner strategiczny
Miss Polski UK & Ireland 2018 – sponsor główny wydarzenia www.misspolski.uk
Miss Polski UK & Ireland 2017 – sponsor główny wydarzenia www.misspolski.uk
46. Bal Polski 2018 – główny sponsor Balu www.balpolski.co.uk
Sponsoring Polskiej Ligi “5” w Londynie www.polskaliga5.co.uk
II Konferencja Czas Kobiet Alute – sponsor wydarzenia
Stowarzyszenie na rzecz ubogich rodzin „Nadzieja” Gniezno – wsparcie finansowe
Projekcja filmu „Dwie Korony” – sponsor wydarzenia
„Le Blanc w Burkinie” – sponsor wieczoru literackiego
Musical „Życie Maryi” – główny sponsor musicalu
„St. Gregory’s School Christmas Bonanza” – sponsor nagród
Piknik Rodzinny „Pożegnanie Lata” – sponsor wydarzenia
Koncert Myslovitz 2017 – partner strategiczny 6 wydarzeń w Wielkiej Brytanii
Morliny Goniec Polish Festival 2017 – partner strategiczny największego festiwalu w Wielkiej Brytanii
Science Day 2017 – sponsor wydarzenia
Konferencja „Doskonale Niedoskonali” Oxford – srebrny sponsor wydarzenia
Fundacja Anny Dymnej „Mimo Wszystko” – wsparcie finansowe fundacji
Fundacja Ewy Błaszczyk „Akogo?” – wsparcie finansowe fundacji
V Jubileuszowy Kongres Polek w Londynie – sponsor wydarzenia
ExcellenceVale (szkolenie z Matuszem Grzesiakiem) – sponsor wydarzenia
Koncert Volare – sponsor wydarzenia
Wystawa fotograficzna z okazji 70-lecia Zjednoczenia Polskiego w UK – sponsor wydarzenia
VII Konferencja Kwietniowa PUNO – sponsor wydarzenia
Zbiórka dla Oli i Patrycji, które straciły rodziców w zamachu w Manchesterze – organizator zbiórki charytatywnej
Zbiórka dla Rodziny bohatera z Berlina – organizator zbiórki charytatywnej
Piknik charytatywny w Gillingham – fundator nagród
Spektakl „Albertania” Fundacji Anny Dymnej – organizator zbiórki charytatywnej
Kinoteka 2016 – sponsor wydarzenia
Rok 2022- zbiórka pieniedzy na rzecz pomocy Ukrainie
Wsparcie Chopin Festiwal w Londynie - rok 2023
Przedstawienie teatralne Rescuing Chopin 2023
Miss Polski UK & Ireland 2024 – sponsor główny wydarzenia www.misspolski.uk
We believe that every initiative, even the smallest one, matters and together we can do more. Therefore, we will actively continue and develop our activities in the field of corporate social responsibility.